Welcome to our new website! Yarn Over Floyd has been a .com for a few years now, but I've been slowly growing and adding to what is now our new website. I wanted to make it everything it could be and more. Since my natural dyeing took off this year I've gone through a lot of changes as a little business and I'm really proud to show you what we've been doing! This site will be the home of my naturally dyed yarn as well as tips and tricks on how you can dye at home as well. I'm an avid crocheter and starting to design my own patterns so you'll find a bit of that here too.

In case you're as in love with Floyd as we are, hop on over to our Visit Floyd page and take a look at some of the awesome things Floyd has to offer! We're a super cute, hip town that has a Friday Night Jamboree at the Floyd Country Store that is hard to beat. Our town is bustling with artisans, farmers and cool cats, so come check us out if you're on the East Coast or planning a trip.
My love of crochet and yarn dyeing is not something I want to keep a secret. I plan to share with you how I prepare and process my dyestuffs, along with other veggies and produce throughout the year. Crochet designs are something I'm getting more and more into as I find more projects I want to work on. Tutorials and patterns will be for sale in my store and on my blog.

Last, but certainly not least, I am a strong believer in women. I have been making Pink P_ssy Hats since their inception in 2016. I use inexpensive yarn and offer them as a finished product in my store because I feel everyone that wants one should have one! If you want to know how to make them or are interested in a custom yarn, just drop me a note and we'll work it out!
Thanks so much for coming over and checking out Yarn Over Floyd! I'm really looking forward to the journey!